Reporting an SBP Annuitant Death

Eligibility for Survivor Benefit Plan annuity pay ends with the death of the annuitant. Prompt reporting of the annuitant's death can help avoid delay in the final settlement of the annuity.  All outstanding checks or direct deposits must be returned to DFAS before a settlement of arrears of annuity may be made.

Please follow the steps below to report the death of an annuitant:

Step 1 - Please call 800-321-1080 to report the death of the annuitant.

Step 2 – Please send a copy of the annuitant’s death certificate showing cause of death to:

DFAS U.S. Military Annuitant Pay

8899 E 56th Street

Indianapolis IN 46249-1300

FAX: 800-982-8459

Step 3 - Please inform the financial institution receiving payments about the death of the annuitant.

Visit for more information and related contacts.