Retired and Annuitant Pay Tax Information

Military retirees and annuitants paid by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service can expect to receive their tax statements (1099-R) and end-of-year account statements beginning mid-December on through their myPay account online. DFAS sends a combined mailing to those retirees who do not have access to myPay, and to those retirees who have requested a hard-copy of a Retired Account Statement or a 1099-R. All annuitants receive a combined mailing of both the Annuitant Account Statement and the 1099-R.

If the statements are not received by the end of January, it is typically for one of two reasons:

          --  The most common reason is when retirees and annuitants move from one place of residence to another and do not contact DFAS to change their correspondence address. In these cases, the statements will be returned to DFAS.

          --  The other reason for non-receipt of the end-of-year statements for retirees is because the retiree has requested or already has a myPay personal identification number. DFAS considers accessing myPay as consent to receive ONLY an electronic 1099-R. The exception to this rule is if the retiree has requested that either the RAS or the 1099-R be mailed to them, in which case both forms will be mailed to the retiree's current correspondence address.

If either of these situations occurs, customers have several options to obtain their earning statements or their 1099-Rs. Visit for more information.