
TSA PreCheck -TSA PreCheck for Separating or Retired Service Members- For those transitioning out of the military or a DoD Civilian role, be sure to enroll into TSA PreCheck prior to leaving to maintain your travel benefits for another 5 years. Many credit cards and loyalty programs reimburse TSA PreCheck enrollment fees. Check to see if yours does: Credit Cards and Loyalty Programs featuring TSA PreCheck: I Transportation Security Administration.

Address Changes - Air Force retired members and Survivor Benefit Plan annuitants should call the Defense Finance and Accounting Service at 800-321-1080 to change their correspondence address. Those people with a myPay account can make the change online. The fax number is 800-469-6559 for retirees and 800-982-8459 for annuitants. The address is DFAS, US Military Retirement Pay, 8899 E 56th Street, Indianapolis IN, 46249-1200, for retired members; and DFAS, US Military Annuitant Pay, 8899 E 56th Street, Indianapolis IN, 46249-1300, for annuitants. ONLY survivors who are not SBP annuitants may change their address by writing to AFPC/DPFFF, 550 C ST W, JBSA-Randolph AFB TX 78150.  See below for contact information on notifying DEERS, Medicare, TRICARE, the Social Security Administration, and other agencies as appropriate.

Aging in Place - The National Council for Aging Care offers a resource hub for seniors and their families to learn more about the specific aspects of aging in place. The website at is a one-stop shop for expert know-how in order to make the best decisions about in-home care, insurance, government assistance, and other financial resources, transportation options, and home remodeling.

Air Force Aid Society - Contact the Airman & Family Readiness Flight on any Air Force base,or go to the society's website at  Phone 703-972-2650.

Air Force Enlisted Village - The Air Force Enlisted Village was founded in 1967 to provide a safe, secure and dignified place for indigent surviving spouses of retired Air Force personnel. The village's primary goal and focus is to provide a home and financial assistance to these spouses. Write to Air Force Enlisted Village, 92 Sunset Lane, Shalimar, FL 32579-1000. Phone 850-651-3766 or toll free 800-258-1413. Send email to The Web address is

Air Force Wounded Warrior Program - Call 800-581-9437, or send email to  Visit the website at

AmeriCorps for Veterans - Serving in AmeriCorps helps retirees take a big step into civilian life. AmeriCorps service gives retirees their next mission and a bridge to a career that may seem out of reach today. For more information, visit

Arlington National Cemetery - Write to Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA 22211.  For general information, location of gravesites, and visitor information call 877-907-8585.  Please note that the Arlington National Cemetery staff does not make pre-arrangements. Visit

Armed Forces Recreation Centers

Dragon Hill, Seoul -- Phone: 011-82-2-790-0016. Email: Fax: 011-82-2-790-1576. Web:

New Sanno Hotel, Tokyo -- Web: Phone: 011-81-3-3440-7871. Email:

Hale Koa Hotel, Hawaii -- Phone: 800-367-6027. Email: Web:

Shades of Green Resort in Orlando. Phone: 407-824-3400. Email:  Web:

Edelweiss, Germany – Phone: 011-49-8821-944-4132.  Email: Web:  

Armed Forces Retirement Home - AFRH-Gulfport, 1800 Beach Drive, Gulfport, MS 39507; AFRH-Washington, 3700 N. Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20011. For information about either location, visit  Phone toll free at 800-422-9988 and select option 1.

Armed Forces Vacation Club - The Armed Forces Vacation Club is a space-available program offering Department of Defense-affiliated people affordable condominium vacations at more than 3,500 resorts worldwide.  For more information, visit

Awards and Decorations Listing - Visit a listing of Air Force awards and decorations to learn more about each as well as the order of precedence.  

Awards and Decorations Requests - Retired Airmen can request initial issuance or replacement of military service medals, decorations and awards.

Blue Skies of Texas - In 2014, Air Force Villages expanded its eligibility to embrace a wider range of retired seniors, including those from civilian careers. With this change, a new name – Blue Skies of Texas – was added, and the campuses were renamed Blue Skies East and Blue Skies West. The Air Force Village legacy carries forward in Blue Skies of Texas, continuing to offer modern residences and a range of senior-focused services and amenities. Call 866-553-5389 or visit for more information.

Burial at Sea - Visit the Navy's website for details regarding burials at sea at,or call 866-787-0081.

Casualty Assistance - Call toll free 877-353-6807. Overseas callers should contact the nearest U.S. Embassy.

DEERS Telephone Center - Call DEERs at 800-538-9552, Monday through Friday, excluding U.S. federal holidays, 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pacific time.

Eldercare Locator - The Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting people to services for older adults and their families.  This locator allows people to search for a variety of topics using ZIP codes to find services nearest to them, or people can call 800-677-1116.

Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program -- The program provides long-term care insurance to help pay for the costs of care you need if you can no longer perform everyday tasks (activities of daily living) by yourself because of chronic illness, injury, disability or the aging process. For assistance, call 1-800-LTC-FEDS (1-800-582-3337) or TTY 1-800-843-3557 to speak with a program consultant. You can also visit  

Identification Cards - Call 800-525-0102 for location of the nearest issuing facility, or to visit the site locator. 

Legal Offices can assist people with preparing wills and powers of attorney, and answer certain legal questions. People can visit the new Air Force Legal Assistance website at The website is designed for active-duty and reserve component members, retirees and dependents.

The General and Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay Foundation -- A national organization that provides financial assistance to promote financial stability to surviving spouses of retired U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force members so they can remain in their homes. Located at 21824 Cactus Ave. Suite 102., Riverside, CA 92518. Call 800-554-5510 or visit  Send an email to

Locating Air Force Retirees or Active-duty Airmen - The Air Force Worldwide Locator handles official and unofficial requests to locate Air Force Personnel. Official requests are defined as requests received from any government agency and the Department of Defense. All other requests are considered unofficial in nature. The locator only has location information on individuals who are currently receiving compensation from the USAF (active-duty, Guard, Reserve, retired, and civil service personnel). If the individual has separated, no information is available.  Write a letter to the person you are trying to locate, seal it in a stamped envelope, enter your return address (including retired grade) and send letter and addressee's name, grade and Social Security number or service number in another envelope to AFPC/DP1ORM, 550 C Street West, JBSA Randolph TX 78150. 

Lodging Reservations - Air Force, 888-235-6343 (AF-LODGE) -- after the prompt, dial first three digits of base name -- or visit; Army, 800-462-7691 (GO-ARMY-1) or visit; Navy, 800-628-9466 (NAVY INN) or visit; Marine Corps, visit

Medical Records – Health records cover the outpatient, dental and mental health treatment that former service members received while in military service. Health records include induction and separation physical examinations, as well as routine medical care (doctor/dental visits, lab tests, etc.) when the patient was not admitted to a hospital. For more information, go to Military Personnel Records (

Medicare - 800-633-4227 or visit

Military Funeral Honors - Visit the Military Funeral Honors, or call 877-645-4667.

Military Personnel Records Requests - Written requests are required by law to obtain copies of selected documents or information from official military personnel records.Military Personnel Records (

Airmen retired before Oct. 1, 2004, should contact the National Personnel Records Center website or call 314-801-0800. Submit a Standard Form 180 or letter of request to National Archives at St. Louis, National Personnel Records Center (Military), 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138. Request letters must include the Airman's name, Social Security number, contact information and specific record requested. Those requesting a relative's record also need to provide their relationship to the former Airman.

Airmen who retired on or after Oct 1, 2004, can request copies of records by submitting a Standard Form 180 or letter of request to AFPC/DPSIR, 550 C ST. W, JBSA-Randolph AFB TX 78150; fax 210-565-4021, or DSN 665-4021. Request letters must include the Airman's name, Social Security number, contact information and specific record requested. Those requesting a relative's record also need to provide their relationship to the former Airman.

National Resource Directory - This directory is a web-based network of care coordinators, providers and support partners with resources for wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans, their families, families of the fallen and those who support them. Located at

Pay - Call the Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Cleveland Center toll free at 800-321-1080; commercial 216-522-5534; fax 800-469-6559. SBP annuitants may use the same voice toll-free number, but the fax is 800-982-8459. 

Reporting a Retiree/Annuitant Death - Contact the Defense Finance and Accounting Service first to report a death. The DFAS website has more details.

Retiree Casualty Assistance Checklist - This checklist provides a family member or other designated person vital information upon a retiree's death.

Social Security - Call toll free 800-772-1213; commercial 410-965- 8019; or write to Social Security Administration, Office of Public Inquiries, Windsor Park Building, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235. Visit the website for more information.

Space-available Travel - The best resource is to contact the nearest military passenger terminal. The terminal staff will have the most current information. If you plan to use space-A travel, contact the passenger terminal where you plan to depart from for current flight information and assistance. You can also contact the passenger terminals you will be using along your travel route. General information about the program plus a listing of passenger terminals with contact information is available on the space-A website.

Survivor Benefit Plan - Call or visit the Airman & Family Readiness Center at the nearest Air Force installation or call 210-565-2273.

TRICARE - For more information about Tricare, visit

TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (Delta Dental) – 1-888-838-8737, or

TRICARE Mail-Order Pharmacy Program (Express Scripts, Inc.) - In United States, call toll free 800-282-2881; or overseas, call 866-275-4732. Visit for more information.

Veterans Affairs - For benefit inquiries call 800-827-1000; life insurance 800-669-8477; status of headstones and markers, 800-697-6947; special issues such as Gulf War/radiation/Agent Orange/Project Shad call 800-749-8387; and GI Bill and education matters call 888-442-4551. Visit the website at

Quick Contacts

Army and Air Force Exchange Service

Defense Commissary Agency


Air Force Retiree Services


550 C Street W

JBSA-Randolph TX 78150


Toll free: 800-525-0102

DSN: 665-5000
