Air Force Fact Sheets

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  • Reporting a Retiree Death

    The most important first step is to notify the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to stop retirement pay to avoid overpayment.  See for more information and other related links.

  • Reporting an SBP Annuitant Death

    Eligibility for Survivor Benefit Plan annuity pay ends with the death of the annuitant. Prompt reporting of the annuitant's death can help avoid delay in the final settlement of the annuity.  All outstanding checks or direct deposits must be returned to DFAS before a settlement of arrears of annuity

  • Retired and Annuitant Pay Tax Information

    Military retirees and annuitants paid by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service can expect to receive their tax statements (1099-R) and end-of-year account statements beginning mid-December on through their myPay account online. DFAS sends a combined mailing to those retirees who do not have

  • Retiree Uniform Wear

    Wearing a uniform after retirement is a privilege granted in recognition of faithful service to country.
